Thursday, December 28, 2006
It was a Christmas to remember here, as G really was excited for Santa to visit.
When he came up Christmas morn, he was astonished by all of the gifts( and as you will see in pictures there were a ton, thank you Mon famlie')
He looked at me and said, " mommy Loooook at allllll the giffffts" in a drawl that was a tad bit Western and a tad bit southern. He wasn't sure if he could open them, so his big Brown eyes looked at me pleadingly and I said lets sit down and open them all.
He was SO excited I don't think he knew where to begin.
Halfway through the tree, he grew tired and wanted to play with his toys.
I think he must have over 500 dinkies now.
C and I are officially embarrassed by this. I should take a picture of just his dinkies.. the the Internet can stone me or through tomatoes at me.. something!
Mom and Dad came down for the opening of the gifts. We watched TV with Greg in our room until they arrived.. he had no clue...... this will be the last year of that. It was great to have my mom and dad there to open gifts with us. Then we had a hearty breakfast put on by my hubby. It was fit for kings. Poor W slept through it all. He was spoiled also make no mistake!
I cooked a huge Turkey for like 6 or 7 people when it was just C and I ( kids too but what do they eat really). I just wanted us to stay home and make a Christmas din for us. It was yummy and the turkey was big ( yes repeating myself) and moist. I loved doing it and will probably do it from now on.
My Hubby out did himself for me this year. I feel a little sheepish as I couldn't go all out but I defiantly owe him something,( get your mind out of the gutter.. but that might work)
I received a massage chair, a stocking filled with relaxing products, tanning sessions( can't wait), and last but not least a date in a box( all prepaid just have to plan the night).
This night will consist of a movie, dinner, drinks at the fireside, hotel stay of my choice, and breakfast at Smitty's the next day ( that's our thing).
I was blown away at the planning and little cards made by him, and the gift certificates sought out. I can't wait to go on our date.
I love C with all my heart
You are a romantic
Ahh Hope all of you had a great holiday's, I am looking for a low key New years with movies and games with my hubby.
Well that's all for now.. check out flicker for my Christmas photo's
By the way our tree and lights and all Christmas decor GONE.. when it's over it's over.
Mama J
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Veiwer Descretion advised
this Morn ( Christmas eve) at about 4:40am I was up with W feeding and cuddling and yawing away.
When he decided to have a poop.
His poops people are like smelly, green ice creams. You know at dairy queen where it comes out in a long gooey strip. that is how he poops.. long gooey green egg smelling strips.
I have this changing procedure down to a science where he doesn't get any on his legs or heels, where he makes minimal mess and is a smelly yet fairly unpainful experience( for me)
This morn as I was reaching for a wipe, I was holding up his legs so he wouldn't put his feet in the poop.. when from his bowels erupted a fart that startled the cats as well as me.. what followed no MOTHER should ever endure.. I mean isn't labour bad enough.
The fart was not just a fart( Tanya do you remember that saying "that wasn't a fart") well it wasn't next thing I knew I was splattered with green goo .. all over my shirt all over my NEW glasses, my face people my face.
Well there went any preciseness I had for my boy I let his legs drop and he was also covered. I grabbed a clean wipe threw off my glasses and did the best I could to clean my face. Then Looked down... it was on my pants and the floor too. It was as If someone opened a champagne bottle and shook it.. the spray going everywhere.
I couldn't believe it /. I just made a sad pitiful noise I have never heard myself make noise.. and cleaned him up.
I had to finish feeding him and put him back to bed... full of SHIT
Green egg smelling shit.
As soon as I was done I made way for the shower and cleaned up.. falling into bed still traumatized.
My husband and the cats are still laughing at me.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Well here is my attempt at christmas photo's with the kids! The end result was very cute ( see picture on right) but this first photo is by far my favorite! W is smiling and G is just plan bored of the whole situation.. plus he has been forced to sport that red hat and hold this thing every one keeps calling his brother.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Mama: " yes hun"
G: " we wimply having a dondurful christmas time"
Mama: " wimply?"
G:" frustrated voice.." wimply having a dundurful christmas timmmmmmmeeeee"
Mama: Silent then realizes in the background... the song Simply having a wonderful Christmas time? is playing.
Mama" yes G we are simply having a wonderful Christmas time."
G: big hug and smile and keeps on singing!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Tis the Season'
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Say Cheese
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Here are a few things that have gotten me in the christmas mood.
1. shortbread cookies( home made by G and I )
2. Christmas tunes while shopping.
3. Glittery decorations
4.Pulling out the tangled mess of decorations fom my closet.
5. Wrapping christmas gifts.
6. G excited about Santa.
7. G loving his advant calander.
8. Having a new addition to shop and prepare for the holidays.
9. Short bread cookies.
10. Roudolph the red nosed reibdeer, christmas special... you know the old fashioned version where his nose goes EEEEEEEEEEE. LOVE IT!
11. candy canes and hot chocolate.
The weather here has been less then christmasy.
Today it is 6 degrees.
This is not a complaint, it's a disbelief.
What gets you christmasy!
leave me a comment let me know!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Little ears
So far G has just started to spew words
and shit!
yes many more intelligent words have some out of his mouth in recent weeks, but these tthese words are his way of trying to be like Mommy and Daddy!
the thing is he didn't say them right after he heard them but waited for some time, until in front of a crowd at a recent birthday party for our friends son!
I nearly died... Because everyone was thinking we know where he got THAT from don't we!
Well I know he is trying to fit in to the adult world and seem I dunno "cool" but now the brutal realization of everything we say is being monitored........
Oh fudge and freckles!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
need I say more!
Golf Balls
Yesterday after buzzing around the house, I felt a huge gush in the noony area.
I was getting Little Baby W a bottle and he was just a screaming for his meal. This gush came once again and as I started to walk I knew that something was a bit irregular.
I propped up Little W and gave him his bottle( a little hands free) I had to because I could tell I was just soaking through my clothes at this point.
That I was as I went to the bathroom, There was massive amounts of blood and ( this is more gross than anything) large golf ball size
and lots of them.
So I called my practicioner and went to the hospital on her advice.
To make a long and well not so internet appropiate story... Short, All is well in my uterine area and if this happens again I am being set up for an ultrasound. The do believe it was left over material from my afterbirth that finally let go. They say better out than in so infection isn't caused.
It was scary to see so much blood after feeling so well and thinking I was out of the woods .. So taking it easy for a few days.
I have to admit I am glad I am not going through another pregnancy ever again!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Where oh where>>....
Should have went with something else.. I knew it.. grrrrrr.
Last night The fam was watching A Christmas vacation( the Griswalls) and the one swear word in the whole movie and Mr G decided he was going to add it to his vocabulary
"fuckin" my first born proudly announced his new found word in all his glory. WE have left the safe zone people he hears and knows all things adult now.... What's next.
I better go buy condoms.... The girls might start calling.
te hee.
Motherhood has been great and although little W has been a tad gassy. and I have had numerous nights camped out on the couch using a bassinet instead of crib for W..... It has been a week of minor chaos.
I do miss my bed though.
Little G has been adjusting well to brotherhood. He gets jealous of Daddy more so then anything but he loves his brother and has already acted out in brotherly duties... Such as hiding Little W's toys. So much to look forward to.
Ahh my beautiful boys.
Soon time for me to start my TURBO JAM routine.. Can't wait to loose the pounds people.... Yes I want MILF status ASAP!
Well I'll post some more pics and hopefully a pretty red X WON"T appear in it's place.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Big Willy style
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
He's Here

LITTLE WCKW has finally arrived.
He was born November 10th 2006 at 12:43 am. As soon as I was 10 cm it took me 25 mnutes to push him out into my loving arms.
He weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces.
He is adorable.
Here are a few pics.. I am currently trying to make bread and peal potatoes.. while amusing greg... I keep skipping around the house.... william is sleeping well and feeding well.. greg is jealous but very helpful.
my family is complete and I am in utter state of happiness.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I hoped with this lack in progress they would induce me right away.... But as we can see I'm home with after shock pain and awaiting this little bundle of joy as we speak.
I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow and I hope she it's gets the ball rolling and starts the inducement as this process has been a long exhausting road and it's only the start!
Keep checking in....... Wish me pain and dilation!
Mama J
Monday, November 06, 2006
41 weeks and counting.......

Times a tickin.. As I reach and pass my due date.. I honestly feel like this baby is going to snuggle up with my organs until Christmas.
I have developed a cold over the past few days where as I don't anticipate the baby as much right now.
I really don't want to pass off yuckky cold germs to my newborn so early in the outside world. Maybe this is why the little darling is staying in the oven!
I was however so sure I would go early this time around. Even my Dr thought so... sooo I guess I should know not to listen to everyone else.
I have been off for exactly one month now, enjoying my extra sleep( well minus the fact I pee every hour and G is up at least twice a night)... But still maybe an hour extra then new born baby sleep right??
Anyway my moth off has given me the time to prepare my self for the new addition as well as enjoy my G. Catching some extra TV time has been fun too.
But honestly.. The picture I am posting describes how this late pregnancy is making me feel.
I will always dye my hair.. Especially if this is how I really looked !
Friday, November 03, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Blogger possessed
Publishing things I delete, then deleting things I have published.
So I am hoping this post actually goes through.
We had hail here for all of 2 minutes in NS. Just when the skies had parted their clouds to show MR. Golden Sun, down came the huge white balls of hail.
Maybe I am miss ing the apocalypse as I write this entry.
So lets talk Hallows eve shall we?
G is going as a ghost ( he tells me daily he does not want to dress up... And maybe he will do it Saturday). I usually dress up every year but this year I'm going as A.. Dah dah dah Pregnant lady. ( i know so original)
I wonder if this will be the night of the birthing as it is an unusual and exciting day all in it's own.
we shall see.
So what are the rest of you doing for Halloween?
Dressing up, have you already had your parties? Who's eaten almost a whole box of Halloween candy ??( okay I guess just me)
Do fill me in
ta ta
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Once upon a time
This particular night was a night she would never forget, and as she stepped out of her safe little haven she found herself transformed.
It was a cool night, many more leaves had fallen on the ground. As miss mouse ventured through her usual routine nothing prepared her for what was about to happen next.
In the thicket a white and orange cat, by the name of casha was waiting patiently to pounce on miss mouse.
Miss mouse had just found a delightful place to pick up groceries when she heard a loud noise and felt a looming presence behind her. Next thing there was a peering pain in her neck and she was being carried out of the forest close to a huge building, which was always off limits.
Miss mouse was sure this was her night to die.
She was flooded with heat as the cat entered the building. There was activity galore here .. Loud noises, laughter and the sweet smell of food. Finally the cat put her down.
Dazed she scampered under a shelf, the cat's yellow hunter eyes watched every move she made.
Soon out of fear and bravery miss mouse made a run for it. In the background she hear a woman's voice say..... "Oh my god Casha brought in a mouse and it's alive"
Next thing Miss mouse was being chased by a large man with a dust pan, she scampered every where and finally found solace behind a dishwasher, where luckily there were many stale crumbs to subsain her through the night!
As the days went on, the orange killer had forgotten she was even in the house and the family that lived here kept saying loudly.. "Come out mouse we will set you free!" She hardly believed that.
after 2 long days Miss mouse decided to venture out during the day when it was quiet and try to find her way home.
Before long as she investigated the kitchen a women came at her with a bucket trying to capture her.
She retred back to her place behind the dishwasher which was quickly running out of crumbs. Plus miss mouse was thirsty.
That night miss mouse went out again, finding a water source that she quickly realized was the cats dish. She too k her share of drink and then proceeded to relieve herself in the left over water.
The next day she went out again during the day( same time) and the woman had a large belly and had a little boy who she seemed more concerned about then a little harmless mouse.
she was wrong. On this day she captured miss mouse in a plastic container and showed her to her little boy and even took a picture of this harmless Mouse.
well miss mouse showed her because as she took me to a large glass door she leapt out of the container and ran back to the dishwasher.. Laughing all the way.
that night when no one was around she investigated the large glass door and saw her freedom flash before her eyes...... That woman and her child were trying to let me out!
Miss mouse proceeded to make her self comfortable and entered the living area of the house popping up a storm and investigating every crook and crany.
Next day same time miss mouse came out went in shoe closet, went in bathroom and let this round bellied woman chase her all over the house. The round Woman cleaned up all miss mouse's mess (SHIT) and cleaned all toys that her little boy played with, as well as swept and crumb available.
Afain that day miss mouse came out and the Tall man was home, he caught her and took her through the glass door, no pictures this time.
He also flung miss mouse in a spiraling death throw off the deck.
Miss mouse landed on the cool ground feeling very dizzy.
After some time she mad her ay back to the woods to tell the tale of her adventure.
That night the woman stored away the traps whe would have used to KILL the nuisance that lived in her house.
Glad that she didn't have to kill this new friend that shit all over her front room.
That is the story of miss mouse.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Guilty Pleasures
should I feel guilt y that we are starting breakfast at brunch time!?
I guess in a few more weeks there will be no more of that huh.
Monday, October 16, 2006
It has been five years since we started our lives together and each day we grow stronger and stronger.
We both say we pictured LIFE differently. More money, more flexibility, maybe even more opportunities. One lasting thing that has made all of that easier to deal with is our love for one another.
My C is an amazing man. He does so much for me and my family, and is a joy to cuddle ( for those of you who haven't....Sorry I don't like to share)
the biggest thing that made me fall in love with C all over again, was how he was as a father. He took this role as if he has done it every day of his life, never ceasing to amaze me.
He tells me he loves me daily, and still manages to surprise me.
He has gone through two pregnancies supportive and by my side... Loving me as my butt grew.
He is amazing and I love him so very much.
I thank the world daily for landing such a great guy.
To my C
Happy anniversary!
Friday, October 13, 2006
He just recently struggled with this decsion as Community transit is more family oriented. Reason being......... Well there is many, but The reason he finally came to terms with this decsion is because the are eventually merging and he will loose his seniority when it all becomes conventional ( starting again from the bottom in 6 months)
So he ( and I do believe he has wanted it all along) will be a regular Bus man.. Downtown driving.
Our conversation on money goes a little like this:
" mama j just think of the money, you may be able to stay home and never work again"
Me blinking into the phone thinking..... Is he really saying that
" no honey I will be working"
" well maybe eventually" he adds
" after we pay off debt right?!" yeah that would be good.. No debt and plus I am enjoying being home but in no no nono way I'm I going to do it for the rest of my life. I enjoy Working.. I may go back to school to better myself but in no way Am I going to be at home for the rest of my life ( no offence to ANYONE who does it now..) It's just not for me!
plus does he honestly think he will be making enough to substain my shopping habits and raise two kids.
God love him for trying though huh.
I just hope he doesn't think I never want to work .. I just need a break from year to year. LOL
anyway. I am happy he has made the decsion to go conventional... But now sadly I know I will see less of him then ever before. That is something we will need to get through together.
so there is my vent..
No New Baby yet.. Every day I wait.. And every day no little munchin.
TA TA for now!
Monday, October 09, 2006
He has adopted saying "I'm wearing my come back pants"... "come on mommy daddy... my come back pants!"
we thought Combat pants.. but he says no no.
i have no idea what these are.. but when he is wearing them, he loves to run!
tee hee
Friday, October 06, 2006
I hardly have given my whole self into believing it 100%
Also as G climbs in bed with me( every morn at 8 am) and amuses himself with books, or toys to let ME sleep for an extra 20 minutes to a half an hour.. I think I probably shouldn't wish good things away.
G and I are finally having some bonding time,and I am loving every minute of it. Even the cranky times, so I guess wanting baby # 2 is a selfish and anxious motherly want. ( before the due date of course, because everyone wants baby #2 to come)
So apparently I am fighting with my self!
We shall see what the weeks bring huh
Breast cancer facts
Chances of having breast cancer, by age.
Age 20 1 in 2152
age 30 1 in 251
Age 40 1 in 69
Age 50 1 in 36
Age 60 1 in 26
Age 70 1 in 23
Ever in ones life span 1 in 7
Interesting how the numbers drastically change.
Mama J
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Think pink this month ladies. It is National Breast cancer awareness month. So if you put on pink socks think of those affected by breast cancer. Got it ? GOOD.
Now listen up. I have done a little light reading in my down time, and this subject is of interest tome since I lost my Grandmother to Cancer. She started with breast cancer, but unfortunately they didn't catch all the cancer cells and it spread to her lungs.
My story with breast cancer: As a young girl I lived with my grandparents. Mom was a widow and a young mother. She had a great support system in my grandparents. I was and am still very close to them( my grandfather is still living) I was about 7 or eight years old when my grandmother came into the living room while I was drawing to talk to me. She was wearing a white blouse and black slacks. As she carried on a conversation with me I noticed a spec of blood on her blouse where her nipple was. I pointed it out and she hurried off to her bedroom to change. Being very worried about my Nana I went and found mom and told her what happened.
Soon after there were trips to the hospital . Nana had know something was wrong for some time, but being very old fashioned she never wanted to go to The Dr in fear of hearing bad news. Unfortunately for her she left it too late and had to have her breast removed. She also went through chemo, and back then( and now) chemo was a very nasty ordeal. My Nana was Ill. Although Mom and I put some fun I to it when we picked out her wigs and went shopping after she got better from her treatment.
Nana loved life, her friends and family and her hobbies. After she got sick ( and now looking back as a women not a child) I see that she was worried for a shortened life and took more advantage of the time she had. She showed me her gel breast and also let me touch her scar. She wanted me to know that this was real. I WILL NEVER FORGET. I can still remember the way that gel breast felt in my hands,a and the light in her room. The sadness I felt when I saw her scar and the envy I felt for the courage my grandmother had.
After some time Nana got sick again and her cancer was eventually in her lungs. Nana was very sick. Some details I care to keep to my self. I weep in memory of a women so beautiful become so fragile.
My grandmother thought me much as a child and I feel she watches over me today, but one lesson I always feel near to my heart is to NOT wait until your breasts are bleeding to get them checked. They are yours check them monthly, have a Dr check them and if you find a tiny lump, get confirmation that it's not a fatty cyst. Request a mamaogram. It can happen to ANYONE and you don't need to be over 40 to have breast cancer.
I'll be listing facts all week...... Keep checking in.
For anyone else who has lost a loved one to breast cancer, or cancer in general, my heart goes out to you. Put some pink on .. Remember them and remind yourself.
Mama J
Monday, October 02, 2006
Let me back up some.
A few weeks back we( well I ) had an issue with the washer. Our water pipe leaks, if turned a certain way. I was not aware of the amount of water that leaked form this pipe, and did a load of wash. I however did not notice it leaking... And left it on ALLLLLLL DAYYYYY.
I practically flooded the basement floor. I ruined the entrance to our bedroom( flooring, carpet and laminate) and created a rather musty smell. C was pissed but pleasant in regarding my absent mindedness... I felt like crap and instantly began to worry about MOLD.
As we used our dehumidifier daily.. The smell went away.. And left was only a stain on the carpet and a slight bubble in the laminate.
Okay fast forward 4 weeks or so. Life is going as normal, as we prepare to set up baby's room, which for no apparent reason is taking us WAYYYY TOO LONG!, and we decided to empty out closets find Halloween decorations and clean.
WE went through all my totes, my pics and school books, all the memories I wanted to keep.. Plus a shit load more of stuff to store and not use. Well as we are getting prepared to load the closets back up with lighter and cleaner totes, we see what looked to C as grease. I knew immediately what is was.
I crouch down feel the floor and touch the black substance.
MOLD MOLD MOLD. In our son's closet who has asthma. Mold Because of me MOLD.
We go to our room and clean out our closet and Guess what.. A different kind of mold. And more wet carpet.... Along with a ruined duvet Jill gave us for our weeding which I was just preparing to cover and put back on our bed as the nights get chillier.
I cry and cry.
Bleach took it right away... But the damage is done. I am devastated. I mean it is not the grooce mold you see on CSI or extreme home makeover, and it is a SMALL amount but I know it's from the fucking flood I created in our basemnet from a water hose drip leak that I never knew really leaked like That!
okay so now we have started to throw out so many things, so much clutter. It is a eye opening experience, but I feel so responsible for runing our floor. Which we can not replace until spring at least. Now the Baby's room is on hold until the clutter is gone and reorganized and the mold is checked cleaned and painted over.
Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sometime the luck I have is unmistakably BAD.
Wish Me luck
the mold MAMA
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Yesterday was a bitter sweet day. I received so many presents from parents and children. G also received some presents as a BIG BROTHER. It was a day filled with ups and downs.
When I woke up this morn, G climbed in bed with me, snuggled in and gave me a sleepy smile, I thought of how excited I am to just enjoy my time with just him and I, oh and C of course.
I can't wait until the baby comes too! It will be an adventure with two children I am sure. Anyway I am excited to watch shows during the day and cook some home cooked meals rather than buy quick fixes for my self. Time has been tight lately.
Today me and the fam are heading to the valley.. To ... Go apple picking. I know not relay exciting but oh have to know. I have been doing this off and on over the years and I love it. I am going to get some pics of G amongst the fall decor and apples. I LOVE FALL.
Can't wait to make apple crisp too. Holy moly I have gone domesticated.
Anyway off to make some tea, because I feel very groggy still. Need to wake up.
Will be posting more often now that I am home!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Rolling Stones
They were not the only event hitting town last night, as a pre season NHL game was held at the metro center. Also a huskies game was on in which sorry to say they lost! A cruise ship was at dock where more than 8000 passengers unloaded to tour around Halifax.
It was a night to remember for many. In spite of all the goings on's it rained from 4 pm through the night. Making the life of concert goers a wet one.
My Parents partook in this history making event and said that the concert was well worth the money and the conditions of mother nature. You have to understand that my dad is the ultimate rolling stone fan, (Although modest and this being his first time seeing them live) His dream was to see them in concert. My father is NOT one to go to an outdoor concert. He likes the use of clean bathrooms and hates being bobbled by crowds of people, but this may have been the last time he ever had a chance to see them.
It was a dream come true. When he told me this morn about his heart pounding experience, them emotion in his voice and the "little kid" like factor that went with it, made me well up with tears. He was awe struck that this band.. His band... Was 40 feet way from him, and all of his favorite tunes were played. At one point Mick and the boys came out close to the crowd and he swears that Keith Richard looked at him and smiled. I think he nearly fainted. Not out of love but just pure amazement. I mean think of the fact he has loved them since he was a teen. My dad is now 46 years old. This has been a life long admiration for a music group. All of his milestones could almost be marked by a rolling stones song.
I am proud and jealous that he went. I wish I could have seen his face as the opening cords of " Start Me Up", were played. ( their opening song).
So dear Dad I am so happy that you got to experience the Rolling Stones Live.
Love you Mama J
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
testing again..
Monday, September 18, 2006
Little G VS the Belly
He is seeing red.. at his age this type of tantrum is well... the shits. I wouldn't even call it a tantrum..... The child was pisssed off and I was going to know about it.
All weekend the boy has been arguing with me, yet demanding all of my attention. Things are changing in his life as he fosters more independence and is ecouraged to be a "big boy". Little G has decided that being a "big boy" is far from his list of things to do..... along with following any structure at home. As he tries to find his way with expressions and independence he keeps hearing form everybody that he has to help mommy, becuase he is going to be a "big Brother" soon.
G wants nothing more to be just G. Dare I blame him, for being conviennced he is anything diffrent then he already is. Although I sympatize I hardly enjoy the hitting, screaming, yelling, kicking spitting and anger that has been Directed at me. I feel at a loss. I love my son dearly but at this point in my motherly way.. I want to give him away.. just for a little while. It is acceptable right??
No no i would never.... but as my patinence wears thin and I accept every advice I have recieved.... everyday is a battle. every day I love him more and try to show him........ I feel as if I have betrayed my own son with our new addition... but as all children do he will adjust.
Love is key and staying firm with my ways is also key...... but hey this parenting stuff.. yeah its hard work( as if I didn't know being in my line of work). Ijust hope as time passes this too shall pass, and we can have a day without the word No.
I laugh outloud at this... Never will THAT HAppen. WHen I am done at my job Litle G and Mamma J will have quality time together. which Ilook forward to. I think this will be a help and a relief for G. Children have it pretty rough too.
Mama J
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Little G
At 12 pm today I am heading down to a walk in clinic to check out what is going on with little man. He is having trouble peeing and says his penis is owie. He is in a great deal of discomfort and I feel helpless as what to do. Daddy is a work and i just don't know what to do. At least with a pee pee!
So I am going to let the professionals check it out. Lets hope it's nothing. Poor thing!
I am so glad it's the weekend. I am begining to swell up like a balloon, Knees ankle and my hands. My hands are most uncomfortable becasue I keep dropping things and when I type it's like my fingers are not attached to my hand! I Will be posting a belly pic this weekend. It is alot bigger than before let me tell you!
Keep checking in !
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Hey hey hey goodbye!
Bigger than here that is!
It has been a week of tears and laughter but more memories were made this week to last a life time.
I have had some children leave from my class as well and their stories of how they will remember me will forever stay close in my heart. Children are so thoughtful. On little girl made me a heart and told me that this was her heart to mine so that if I missed her Iwould always have this heart. How touching is that!?
Today I attend TC wedding. I can't wait as the wedding itself is at the dingle( beautiful for those of you who aren't NS readers) and the reception is board the Marr 2 on the halifax waterfront.
Should be an interesting time.
I have some pics to post but will do so tomorow as my long weekend continues.
I am stil working out some designs for this website with out much luck and I want to get that up and running first and foremost.
To Ter and TC I wish you all the best in your endevours and hope that The great North and LA treat you kind and give you some look to the future moments.
Jilly I had so much fun with you and look forward to return to NS!
Love Jenn
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Brand New
Mama J