Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Little ears

You always know that little ears could be listening when you talk... But when the little ears hear then store away certain words for any occasion it becomes a brutal reality.

So far G has just started to spew words
and shit!
yes many more intelligent words have some out of his mouth in recent weeks, but these tthese words are his way of trying to be like Mommy and Daddy!
the thing is he didn't say them right after he heard them but waited for some time, until in front of a crowd at a recent birthday party for our friends son!
I nearly died... Because everyone was thinking we know where he got THAT from don't we!
Well I know he is trying to fit in to the adult world and seem I dunno "cool" but now the brutal realization of everything we say is being monitored........
Oh fudge and freckles!!

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