Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hey hey hey goodbye!

This has been the week of goodbyes. My dear friend Ter and my dear friend and co worker TC have left to move on to a bigger life.
Bigger than here that is!
It has been a week of tears and laughter but more memories were made this week to last a life time.

I have had some children leave from my class as well and their stories of how they will remember me will forever stay close in my heart. Children are so thoughtful. On little girl made me a heart and told me that this was her heart to mine so that if I missed her Iwould always have this heart. How touching is that!?

Today I attend TC wedding. I can't wait as the wedding itself is at the dingle( beautiful for those of you who aren't NS readers) and the reception is board the Marr 2 on the halifax waterfront.
Should be an interesting time.
I have some pics to post but will do so tomorow as my long weekend continues.
I am stil working out some designs for this website with out much luck and I want to get that up and running first and foremost.

To Ter and TC I wish you all the best in your endevours and hope that The great North and LA treat you kind and give you some look to the future moments.

Jilly I had so much fun with you and look forward to return to NS!
Love Jenn

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