Think pink this month ladies. It is National Breast cancer awareness month. So if you put on pink socks think of those affected by breast cancer. Got it ? GOOD.
Now listen up. I have done a little light reading in my down time, and this subject is of interest tome since I lost my Grandmother to Cancer. She started with breast cancer, but unfortunately they didn't catch all the cancer cells and it spread to her lungs.
My story with breast cancer: As a young girl I lived with my grandparents. Mom was a widow and a young mother. She had a great support system in my grandparents. I was and am still very close to them( my grandfather is still living) I was about 7 or eight years old when my grandmother came into the living room while I was drawing to talk to me. She was wearing a white blouse and black slacks. As she carried on a conversation with me I noticed a spec of blood on her blouse where her nipple was. I pointed it out and she hurried off to her bedroom to change. Being very worried about my Nana I went and found mom and told her what happened.
Soon after there were trips to the hospital . Nana had know something was wrong for some time, but being very old fashioned she never wanted to go to The Dr in fear of hearing bad news. Unfortunately for her she left it too late and had to have her breast removed. She also went through chemo, and back then( and now) chemo was a very nasty ordeal. My Nana was Ill. Although Mom and I put some fun I to it when we picked out her wigs and went shopping after she got better from her treatment.
Nana loved life, her friends and family and her hobbies. After she got sick ( and now looking back as a women not a child) I see that she was worried for a shortened life and took more advantage of the time she had. She showed me her gel breast and also let me touch her scar. She wanted me to know that this was real. I WILL NEVER FORGET. I can still remember the way that gel breast felt in my hands,a and the light in her room. The sadness I felt when I saw her scar and the envy I felt for the courage my grandmother had.
After some time Nana got sick again and her cancer was eventually in her lungs. Nana was very sick. Some details I care to keep to my self. I weep in memory of a women so beautiful become so fragile.
My grandmother thought me much as a child and I feel she watches over me today, but one lesson I always feel near to my heart is to NOT wait until your breasts are bleeding to get them checked. They are yours check them monthly, have a Dr check them and if you find a tiny lump, get confirmation that it's not a fatty cyst. Request a mamaogram. It can happen to ANYONE and you don't need to be over 40 to have breast cancer.
I'll be listing facts all week...... Keep checking in.
For anyone else who has lost a loved one to breast cancer, or cancer in general, my heart goes out to you. Put some pink on .. Remember them and remind yourself.
Mama J
Very sad story about your Nana, Mama J. I bet she's very pleased to know that the lesson she wanted to teach you by showing you her scar has stuck with you so vividly and that you are using this story to encourage others to prevent the same tragedy.
thanks blurry... it's a topic i hold dear
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