Monday, October 30, 2006
Blogger possessed
Publishing things I delete, then deleting things I have published.
So I am hoping this post actually goes through.
We had hail here for all of 2 minutes in NS. Just when the skies had parted their clouds to show MR. Golden Sun, down came the huge white balls of hail.
Maybe I am miss ing the apocalypse as I write this entry.
So lets talk Hallows eve shall we?
G is going as a ghost ( he tells me daily he does not want to dress up... And maybe he will do it Saturday). I usually dress up every year but this year I'm going as A.. Dah dah dah Pregnant lady. ( i know so original)
I wonder if this will be the night of the birthing as it is an unusual and exciting day all in it's own.
we shall see.
So what are the rest of you doing for Halloween?
Dressing up, have you already had your parties? Who's eaten almost a whole box of Halloween candy ??( okay I guess just me)
Do fill me in
ta ta
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Once upon a time
This particular night was a night she would never forget, and as she stepped out of her safe little haven she found herself transformed.
It was a cool night, many more leaves had fallen on the ground. As miss mouse ventured through her usual routine nothing prepared her for what was about to happen next.
In the thicket a white and orange cat, by the name of casha was waiting patiently to pounce on miss mouse.
Miss mouse had just found a delightful place to pick up groceries when she heard a loud noise and felt a looming presence behind her. Next thing there was a peering pain in her neck and she was being carried out of the forest close to a huge building, which was always off limits.
Miss mouse was sure this was her night to die.
She was flooded with heat as the cat entered the building. There was activity galore here .. Loud noises, laughter and the sweet smell of food. Finally the cat put her down.
Dazed she scampered under a shelf, the cat's yellow hunter eyes watched every move she made.
Soon out of fear and bravery miss mouse made a run for it. In the background she hear a woman's voice say..... "Oh my god Casha brought in a mouse and it's alive"
Next thing Miss mouse was being chased by a large man with a dust pan, she scampered every where and finally found solace behind a dishwasher, where luckily there were many stale crumbs to subsain her through the night!
As the days went on, the orange killer had forgotten she was even in the house and the family that lived here kept saying loudly.. "Come out mouse we will set you free!" She hardly believed that.
after 2 long days Miss mouse decided to venture out during the day when it was quiet and try to find her way home.
Before long as she investigated the kitchen a women came at her with a bucket trying to capture her.
She retred back to her place behind the dishwasher which was quickly running out of crumbs. Plus miss mouse was thirsty.
That night miss mouse went out again, finding a water source that she quickly realized was the cats dish. She too k her share of drink and then proceeded to relieve herself in the left over water.
The next day she went out again during the day( same time) and the woman had a large belly and had a little boy who she seemed more concerned about then a little harmless mouse.
she was wrong. On this day she captured miss mouse in a plastic container and showed her to her little boy and even took a picture of this harmless Mouse.
well miss mouse showed her because as she took me to a large glass door she leapt out of the container and ran back to the dishwasher.. Laughing all the way.
that night when no one was around she investigated the large glass door and saw her freedom flash before her eyes...... That woman and her child were trying to let me out!
Miss mouse proceeded to make her self comfortable and entered the living area of the house popping up a storm and investigating every crook and crany.
Next day same time miss mouse came out went in shoe closet, went in bathroom and let this round bellied woman chase her all over the house. The round Woman cleaned up all miss mouse's mess (SHIT) and cleaned all toys that her little boy played with, as well as swept and crumb available.
Afain that day miss mouse came out and the Tall man was home, he caught her and took her through the glass door, no pictures this time.
He also flung miss mouse in a spiraling death throw off the deck.
Miss mouse landed on the cool ground feeling very dizzy.
After some time she mad her ay back to the woods to tell the tale of her adventure.
That night the woman stored away the traps whe would have used to KILL the nuisance that lived in her house.
Glad that she didn't have to kill this new friend that shit all over her front room.
That is the story of miss mouse.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Guilty Pleasures
should I feel guilt y that we are starting breakfast at brunch time!?
I guess in a few more weeks there will be no more of that huh.
Monday, October 16, 2006
It has been five years since we started our lives together and each day we grow stronger and stronger.
We both say we pictured LIFE differently. More money, more flexibility, maybe even more opportunities. One lasting thing that has made all of that easier to deal with is our love for one another.
My C is an amazing man. He does so much for me and my family, and is a joy to cuddle ( for those of you who haven't....Sorry I don't like to share)
the biggest thing that made me fall in love with C all over again, was how he was as a father. He took this role as if he has done it every day of his life, never ceasing to amaze me.
He tells me he loves me daily, and still manages to surprise me.
He has gone through two pregnancies supportive and by my side... Loving me as my butt grew.
He is amazing and I love him so very much.
I thank the world daily for landing such a great guy.
To my C
Happy anniversary!
Friday, October 13, 2006
He just recently struggled with this decsion as Community transit is more family oriented. Reason being......... Well there is many, but The reason he finally came to terms with this decsion is because the are eventually merging and he will loose his seniority when it all becomes conventional ( starting again from the bottom in 6 months)
So he ( and I do believe he has wanted it all along) will be a regular Bus man.. Downtown driving.
Our conversation on money goes a little like this:
" mama j just think of the money, you may be able to stay home and never work again"
Me blinking into the phone thinking..... Is he really saying that
" no honey I will be working"
" well maybe eventually" he adds
" after we pay off debt right?!" yeah that would be good.. No debt and plus I am enjoying being home but in no no nono way I'm I going to do it for the rest of my life. I enjoy Working.. I may go back to school to better myself but in no way Am I going to be at home for the rest of my life ( no offence to ANYONE who does it now..) It's just not for me!
plus does he honestly think he will be making enough to substain my shopping habits and raise two kids.
God love him for trying though huh.
I just hope he doesn't think I never want to work .. I just need a break from year to year. LOL
anyway. I am happy he has made the decsion to go conventional... But now sadly I know I will see less of him then ever before. That is something we will need to get through together.
so there is my vent..
No New Baby yet.. Every day I wait.. And every day no little munchin.
TA TA for now!
Monday, October 09, 2006
He has adopted saying "I'm wearing my come back pants"... "come on mommy daddy... my come back pants!"
we thought Combat pants.. but he says no no.
i have no idea what these are.. but when he is wearing them, he loves to run!
tee hee
Friday, October 06, 2006
I hardly have given my whole self into believing it 100%
Also as G climbs in bed with me( every morn at 8 am) and amuses himself with books, or toys to let ME sleep for an extra 20 minutes to a half an hour.. I think I probably shouldn't wish good things away.
G and I are finally having some bonding time,and I am loving every minute of it. Even the cranky times, so I guess wanting baby # 2 is a selfish and anxious motherly want. ( before the due date of course, because everyone wants baby #2 to come)
So apparently I am fighting with my self!
We shall see what the weeks bring huh
Breast cancer facts
Chances of having breast cancer, by age.
Age 20 1 in 2152
age 30 1 in 251
Age 40 1 in 69
Age 50 1 in 36
Age 60 1 in 26
Age 70 1 in 23
Ever in ones life span 1 in 7
Interesting how the numbers drastically change.
Mama J
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Think pink this month ladies. It is National Breast cancer awareness month. So if you put on pink socks think of those affected by breast cancer. Got it ? GOOD.
Now listen up. I have done a little light reading in my down time, and this subject is of interest tome since I lost my Grandmother to Cancer. She started with breast cancer, but unfortunately they didn't catch all the cancer cells and it spread to her lungs.
My story with breast cancer: As a young girl I lived with my grandparents. Mom was a widow and a young mother. She had a great support system in my grandparents. I was and am still very close to them( my grandfather is still living) I was about 7 or eight years old when my grandmother came into the living room while I was drawing to talk to me. She was wearing a white blouse and black slacks. As she carried on a conversation with me I noticed a spec of blood on her blouse where her nipple was. I pointed it out and she hurried off to her bedroom to change. Being very worried about my Nana I went and found mom and told her what happened.
Soon after there were trips to the hospital . Nana had know something was wrong for some time, but being very old fashioned she never wanted to go to The Dr in fear of hearing bad news. Unfortunately for her she left it too late and had to have her breast removed. She also went through chemo, and back then( and now) chemo was a very nasty ordeal. My Nana was Ill. Although Mom and I put some fun I to it when we picked out her wigs and went shopping after she got better from her treatment.
Nana loved life, her friends and family and her hobbies. After she got sick ( and now looking back as a women not a child) I see that she was worried for a shortened life and took more advantage of the time she had. She showed me her gel breast and also let me touch her scar. She wanted me to know that this was real. I WILL NEVER FORGET. I can still remember the way that gel breast felt in my hands,a and the light in her room. The sadness I felt when I saw her scar and the envy I felt for the courage my grandmother had.
After some time Nana got sick again and her cancer was eventually in her lungs. Nana was very sick. Some details I care to keep to my self. I weep in memory of a women so beautiful become so fragile.
My grandmother thought me much as a child and I feel she watches over me today, but one lesson I always feel near to my heart is to NOT wait until your breasts are bleeding to get them checked. They are yours check them monthly, have a Dr check them and if you find a tiny lump, get confirmation that it's not a fatty cyst. Request a mamaogram. It can happen to ANYONE and you don't need to be over 40 to have breast cancer.
I'll be listing facts all week...... Keep checking in.
For anyone else who has lost a loved one to breast cancer, or cancer in general, my heart goes out to you. Put some pink on .. Remember them and remind yourself.
Mama J
Monday, October 02, 2006
Let me back up some.
A few weeks back we( well I ) had an issue with the washer. Our water pipe leaks, if turned a certain way. I was not aware of the amount of water that leaked form this pipe, and did a load of wash. I however did not notice it leaking... And left it on ALLLLLLL DAYYYYY.
I practically flooded the basement floor. I ruined the entrance to our bedroom( flooring, carpet and laminate) and created a rather musty smell. C was pissed but pleasant in regarding my absent mindedness... I felt like crap and instantly began to worry about MOLD.
As we used our dehumidifier daily.. The smell went away.. And left was only a stain on the carpet and a slight bubble in the laminate.
Okay fast forward 4 weeks or so. Life is going as normal, as we prepare to set up baby's room, which for no apparent reason is taking us WAYYYY TOO LONG!, and we decided to empty out closets find Halloween decorations and clean.
WE went through all my totes, my pics and school books, all the memories I wanted to keep.. Plus a shit load more of stuff to store and not use. Well as we are getting prepared to load the closets back up with lighter and cleaner totes, we see what looked to C as grease. I knew immediately what is was.
I crouch down feel the floor and touch the black substance.
MOLD MOLD MOLD. In our son's closet who has asthma. Mold Because of me MOLD.
We go to our room and clean out our closet and Guess what.. A different kind of mold. And more wet carpet.... Along with a ruined duvet Jill gave us for our weeding which I was just preparing to cover and put back on our bed as the nights get chillier.
I cry and cry.
Bleach took it right away... But the damage is done. I am devastated. I mean it is not the grooce mold you see on CSI or extreme home makeover, and it is a SMALL amount but I know it's from the fucking flood I created in our basemnet from a water hose drip leak that I never knew really leaked like That!
okay so now we have started to throw out so many things, so much clutter. It is a eye opening experience, but I feel so responsible for runing our floor. Which we can not replace until spring at least. Now the Baby's room is on hold until the clutter is gone and reorganized and the mold is checked cleaned and painted over.
Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sometime the luck I have is unmistakably BAD.
Wish Me luck
the mold MAMA