This post may offend some shoppers.
There will be cussing and maybe even some crude remarks but If I don't say it... welll who is and lets just say I have said it to my husband many times and I think it is time the Net knew how I really felt.
I may have briefly mentioned this topic on my old site some time ago, because like the tag on a shirt sticking up on complete strangers it is m biggest pet peeve.
I actually think it is becoming a rage.
THE fucking superstore parking lot and grocery shopping participants,( sorry there are a majority of people that attend this store that don't treat it as a living hell, or la la land.. or rather a place to e a dick hole. yes a dick hole.) here in my little Bayer's lake wannabe town.
I LOVE LOVE love to shop for groceries. I enjoy organizing the area's of the store in my cart( boxes with boxes, meat with meat etc.) the satisfaction of finding a
bargin or a new food is exciting to me ( as I am food obsessed hmmmmm this may be a emotional filler here as to why I gained weight should I call DR PHIL?)
I enjoy taking my time, but red flag here, being cautious to fellow grocery shoppers.
I do not block lanes or iles.
I don't not curse if someone bumps into me, I do not butt in fornt of someone while they are carefully looking at food labels or prices. I take what parking spots are available.
I Do not circle the parking lot looking for a close spot right next to the doors. Nor do I pretend to be pregnant or handicapped.
I sure as hell don't give people dirty looks when there child throws a tantrum, or cuts me off. I don't complain about the line .. these people have a big job to do believe it or not.. it is tiring ringing in groceries.
I am usually very very tolerant of people. Especially at the grocery store because i know what to expect.
As soon as SOME people enter those doors, they throw out any inhibition and it becomes a scene from Micheal Jackson's thriller.
Yesterday I went and parking in an ordinary space when I started walking to the front doors when apparently this man thought he was at LOWE'S speedway and zoomed pass cars, children and adults. he plopped himself in a Handicapped parking space pulled out the old blue sign that hangs on your mirror jumps out of the car and runs through the doors.
( mmmmmmm are you really handicapped)
He makes it to the post office 2 seconds before I do. Well worth it right as i was walking.
I squint my eyes at him hopping someone was watching that. I thought maybe he would feel my disapproval at the back of his neck. All he did was hock some spit, and pull up his faded jeans.
I was also feeling proud of my cart full of healthy choices and was heading to the front of The store when a couple was blocking the space between carts .. i patiently waited and waited for them to move and when the did the looked at me as if I just showed up and was now blocking them.. they were just talking in the middle of the front of the bloody store.. with no cart.
So I HAD TO MOVE because apparently it makes more sense for the person who just waited 10 minutes off to the side to move for 2 people with nothing in their hands. ( ASSHOLES) People do this all the time. specially if I have my children the look at me as if my children are in their way.. when they are solo and it is much easier for them to stand ring side then me, little G and a cart full of groceries and a new born.
Well I could go on but rudeness will start to creep in.( tee hee)
I did manage to flee from the little corner or HEll and make it to my car unharmed. I keept my eyes down cast in case one of these grocery store zoombies came after my perfectly working cart and try to steal it or eat my brains.. because it was on sale.
I just want to end this post with a please please.. make me a grocery store.. just for me.. where all the sackville idiots stay out ....
Jesus I love being perfect!